Tuesday, 21 April 2009

VIDEO: New Science - M. Emoto - Secrets of Water

Research From Dr. Masaru Emoto, says that human thoughts are directed at water before it is frozen, images of the resulting water crystals will be beautiful or ugly depending upon whether the thoughts were positive or negative. Emoto claims this can be achieved through prayer, music or by attaching written words to a container of water. Since 1999 Emoto has published several volumes of a work titled Messages from Water, which contains photographs of water crystals next to essays and "words of intent".

"This is so beautiful, so profound - I love it ! "

// Joran


VIDEO INTRODUKTION - The Method and the Result

VIDEO LINK 1The Mehtod

VIDEO LINK 2Water and Music

VIDEO LINK 3Water and Words of Intent

VIDEO LINK 4Yes it's True

Friday, 17 April 2009

VIDEO: Sociology - Sphinx & Great Pyramids -True Ages Revealed

Author Graham Hancock, a geologist, an Egyptologist, and others reveal details regarding the age of the ancient structures that have been shrouded in lies for years. Editing by Praylu Productions ...


Tuesday, 14 April 2009

SOUND: Esoteric - Solfeggio frequency's

Solfeggio frequency's accompanying, a multidimensional sound-scape of healing frequencies and symbols.

VIDEO 1 - 396 HZ - Liberation from Fear

VIDEO 2 - 417 HZ - Transmutation

VIDEO 3 - 528 Hz - Love frequence, Healing DNA

VIDEO 4 - 639 HZ - Integrating Structures

VIDEO 5 - 741 HZ - Consciousness Expansion

VIDEO 6 - 852 HZ - Awakening Intuition